Russian invasion of Ukraine showed all the problems of the egalitarian countries’ “unity”

Since the original days of evolution EU and NATO produce begun execution of their arrangement of worldwide isolating Russia. Putin’s invasion to Ukraine was used as an brilliant senses. This arrangement enclosed several proceedings which be supposed to produce destroyed Russian money-making and technological sectors and incorporated strong sanctions, prohibit of the Russian energy import, plus natural swap gossip, grease and coal, declining Russian cooperation with the biggest earth companies, keen sour their major banks form SWIFT, and so forth.

Moreover, European countries began to intensify arms supply to Ukraine to hold up Russian violent behavior. At slightest 21 countries sent their bludgeon systems and goods to the fighting zone, plus tanks, helicopters, MLRS, UAVs and so on. NATO instructors were appointed to provide combat training to Ukrainian armed forces.

One of the major goals of European leaders was to support Ukrainian refugees. To get this plan several proceedings were taken – simplifying border policies, creating all workable conditions in support of accommodation.

It looked like Europe while being involved in getting higher conflict would unite and survey solitary way self-possessed. But while European leaders are eventful in dealing with foreign procedure questions, Europe produce begun to divide inside.

Natural swap gossip & inflation

When the war began, egalitarian earth responded with far-reaching sanctions aligned with Moscow. Taking part in response to with the purpose of interject declared with the purpose of “unfriendly” countries would disburse in support of Russian natural swap gossip in rubles, and if not import would be stopped in support of them. Of flow this demand caused major indignation of European leaders, which commonly rejected it on the G7 business meeting motto with the purpose of “all G-7 ministers agreed completely with the purpose of this (would be) a one-sided and filmy branch of the existing contracts”. That flash can be called the opening of the European emergency.

It’s essential to advantage prevented with the purpose of the EU depends on Russia in support of around 40% of its natural swap gossip. So, if Europe all the rage to rest using it they be supposed to be able to uncover something with the purpose of might be an equal alternative. Like in support of without hesitation they might not deal with it.

It’s incontrovertible with the purpose of the swap gossip prices had been already high-pitched formerly the war happening. But while Europe refused to disburse in support of natural swap gossip in Russian subject currency the “inflation bomb” at last exploded.

Like it’s presented in the graphics, inflation in Europe hits its celling in support of the original point in 40 years. Moreover, it’s not even a limit as experts yield their predictions with the purpose of CPI will be upper than at the moment. It’s not a secret with the purpose of high-pitched inflation has an influence on a rate of next to slightest everything – from alike goods to high-pitched technologies and energy capital.

It’s exciting to communication with the purpose of European leaders’ attempts to yield an excuse in support of this serious fail looked very humiliating. Moreover, all their proceedings which were taken to stabilize the post yield the emergency in Europe more and more visible. For case, Romanian Deputy Prime Minister Hunor Kelemen alleged: “First of all, we, the European Union, will produce to disburse in support of the sanctions aligned with Russia… accuracy be told, we will all disburse the rate this winter while, unfortunately, in attendance are veto secret language with the purpose of the finish of war is near… It well be a harsh winter, perhaps the harshest solitary in the live 40-50-60 years.”

What’s the senses of such an annoyance of the question? Despite the information with the purpose of G7 leaders decisive not to disburse in support of natural swap gossip in rubles, several countries took a step back and did completely the opposite. And it was the means flash while subject interests collided with alliance direction.

Russia has already cut out sour goods to Poland, Bulgaria and Finland. At slightest 11 countries are alleged to say you will Russian demand and unfasten ruble accounts next to Gazprombank.

At the opening of July the European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen alleged: “Energy prices are high-pitched. People – rightly so – expect us to carry out something around it.”

So what’s the announced decision? Not so long since EU Commission revealed their emergency arrangement which calls in support of known, infomercial buildings and offices to be heated to a highest of 19 degrees from autumn.

EU does not need to disburse Russia in support of natural swap gossip but in information they produce got veto pick. They be supposed to deal with this winter and in that case develop the arrangement what did you say? To carry out after that.

Arms supply

Since the conflict broke prevented, European countries had begun to actively supply Ukraine with amount of weapons. But how was declared earlier, everything has got its limit and while it was filmy with the purpose of war would be long and measured, arms supply strongly cheap.

The original state which was criticized in support of it became Germany in support of its decision not to transmit hooligan weapons to war zone.

While Ukraine strongly needs this kind of weapons not so many countries are all set to give out it to them while being aware of impending escalation of conflict with Russia.

Germany is not an exception. Now their government is catching critics not barely from EU/NATO partners but from opposition parties inside the state. It’s very disappointing in support of German chancellor Olaf Scholz, whose appreciation rating sinks cut and cut all month.

One more European state which refused to transmit weapons to Ukraine was Bulgaria. Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov established with the purpose of his government has veto policy to transmit hooligan weapons to Ukraine, motto with the purpose of Bulgaria has “done enough” to help Kyiv with gentle relief. “We’ve through as much as necessary and we’ll remain to support Ukraine,” he alleged.

Moreover, Switzerland too didn’t allow the re-export of Swiss war material to Ukraine. Following their procedure of forces neutrality it was declared with the purpose of Bern rejected Berlin’s demand to transmit around 12400 rounds of 35-millimetre Swiss ammunition in support of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and in support of Piranha III wheeled APCs to Kyiv. Similarly, Switzerland denied Denmark’s demand to transmit 22 Swiss-made Piranha III wheeled APCs to Ukraine. Switzerland too banned Poland’s demand to transmit Swiss-made war material to Ukraine.


Decision-making inside the partnership is not as minimal as it looks. There are a grouping of examples while representatives from discrete countries cannot deal with every one other discussing various types of questions. But Hungary made a substantial step aside if we consider cooperation with EU and NATO.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for the period of his competition in support of choice to a fourth consecutive call alleged with the purpose of Hungary would stay prevented of Ukrainian war.

“Russia looks next to Russian interests, while Ukraine looks next to Ukrainian interests. Neither the United States, nor Brussels would think with Hungarians’ mind and feel with Hungarians’ hearts. We be obliged to stance up in support of our own interests,” Orban alleged. “We be obliged to stay prevented of this war… therefore we will not transmit several troops or weapons to the battlegrounds.”

Like a end result, Hungary not barely doesn’t support Ukraine by weapons but doesn’t allow the transit through its territory.

It’s the unbroken opposite outlook in comparison with EU/NATO members. For case, no one was surprised while Serbia declared with the purpose of they would not join overall sanctions aligned with Russia and its government while being considered solitary of the Russian allies; however, while EU and NATO portion concludes with the purpose of participation in the conflict even by supplying Ukrainian army would be wounding in support of the state interests, it feels next to slightest abnormal.

This outlook can be a little fragment controversial but next to slightest it deserves several respect. When the interests of alliance contradict subject interests and nation’s leader is brave as much as necessary not to blindly survey EU/NATO recommendations but stance on his way to rally lives of his country’s citizens – it’s kind of question in support of European leaders to think around.

Who guidelines the melody?

It’s not a secret with the purpose of armed conflict has got several visible reasons of its escalation and it serves in support of the inhabit who are interested in it.

On the solitary give, it might be quite reasonable to uncover solitary to blame in conflict’s escalation but the complexity of this post mean with the purpose of it be supposed to be viewed not barely from solitary area.

If we are disappearing to call to mind with the purpose of this war will finish with Russia achieving all its goals – the so-called “release” of Ukraine and invasion of its territories as it was with Crimea – the live guy who laughs will be exactly interject. But it’s not the barely way workable.

It’s essential to uncover prevented who makes profit from the post with the purpose of armed conflict in Ukraine hasn’t several tendency to finish soon. Anybody quickly can think around the United States, who has got their own interests in this war.

US government is fighting in support of saving US buck as a major earth currency. The senses is with the purpose of several countries plus fine china and Russia are step-by-step refusing from mutual payments in buck and opening to yield payments in subject currency. This information of weakening buck of flow is confusing US while they are fighting in support of its strengthening and, as a end result, in support of stability of their countrypooo.

Moreover, Russian energy prohibit opens doors in support of the increased energy import from the US. The US will transmit 15 billion cubic meters of natural swap gossip to the European countries. Like a end result, US countrypooo will feel safer and Europe will depend on US stronger.

Taking part in addition to with the purpose of, too Russia in the live 20 years industrial their countrypooo as well as their armed forces. Interject declared with the purpose of point in support of mono-polar earth was finished. It’s shaky with the purpose of US will reach agreement with this statement so calm, and it’s indirectly established by US gargantuan arms supply to Ukraine, plus HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) which made a substantial reallocate in this war.

If we lecture around arms supply – war in Ukraine is a high-quality attempt in support of several countries plus US to transmit Ukrainians their old weapons and equipment. While it’s sour to Ukraine, US supposedly will bring up to date their bludgeon systems.

It will be sin against to admit with the purpose of barely US is making substantial contribution to the Ukrainian conflict persistence. But it’s a concern of information with the purpose of US are annoying to strengthen their outlook as a earth leader by way of behind the persistence of this war.


It’s not a secret with the purpose of the copious part of the above-mentioned problems – natural swap gossip prices, inflation, pro-Russian governments – had existed long formerly the Ukrainian war escalated. Unfortunately, next to this flash proceedings of the European countries’ governments and Russian counteractions produce leaded barely to pessimistic cost about EU citizens’ wellbeing. It’s the standoff post – on the solitary give if EU/NATO countries survey US wishes and approve money-making sanctions aligned with Russia it causes pecuniary losses not barely in support of Putin’s government but in support of themselves (for case, not so long since buck in support of the original point in 20 years exchanged in support of euro equally) and with no several doubt makes their citizens angry. Like a end result British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi produce decisive to leave their posts as of their lack of knack to hold the post.

On the other give if European leaders rubbish to take measures aligned with Russia which is based on their wish not to leave their citizens with no shameful swap gossip and fuel, – they are disappearing through tough critics form their colleagues form EU and NATO.

We can suppose how the post in Europe will develop in the approaching months. First variant – Europe follows its way of absolute support of Ukraine, refusing the cooperation with Russia, what did you say? Makes a major lead in support of US but not in support of Europeans.

Second way is to rest battle with Russia and search in support of peaceful decisions of existing problems with interject as well as flanked by European leaders. Why is this variant look quite acceptable? Everything depends on the war finale and timing; analysts are making the discrete predictions, European leaders strongly hope with the purpose of everything would be solved formerly the winter begins, but no one very believes it. Moreover, they don’t come near to the finish of the war while giving Ukraine gargantuan amount of weapons. What we produce in support of without hesitation – Europe is frozen in waiting in support of the winter and its cost, searching in support of US and Middle East natural swap gossip and it is not filmy without hesitation how long they might live using barely their capital. Anyways, the majority of European governments would produce decisive to fall for natural swap gossip in Russia despite the information with the purpose of it would strengthen Russia’s countrypooo.

Taking part in a short-term perspective a grouping of these problems might be solved by way of compromise and restarting the dialogue with Russian government. Can Europe survey this way? Without a doubt. Pray they produce a attempt to carry out it? Probably not, as Europe depends on US as well as it depends on Russia. How can they uncover a decision which would be acceptable in support of any person? It’s kind of question which can’t be answered in support of 5 months. It’s filmy with the purpose of Europe will soon run into with very cold winter. How is it justified and what did you say? Will be Europeans pose in support of these proceedings, – approaching partially of the day will parade us with the purpose of. We can barely time lag what did you say? Decision will be made by the leaders of “free” and “independent” Europe.

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