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Why Pure Mulberry Silk? Why  Alas Silk?

Why Pure Mulberry Silk? Why Alas Silk?

Who is Alas Silk.

Idea of alas silk is simple

Have you ever asked yourself what clothes mean to you? What role do they play in your life? How does the world perceive you? How do you look and feel while wearing your work attire, when spending time with your friends, your loved ones or staying comfortably at home with your favorite pajamas on?
  Clothes are like our second skin, like a silent language with which we introduce ourselves to the people surrounding us. What a person chooses to wear can reflect their personality or interests. We are used to wearing casual, basic clothes made from different fabrics that don’t stand out. By choosing our products you will stand out in the crowd, no eyes will pass you without feeling a smidge of jealousy. Don’t get us wrong, the clothes we make are not meant to overshadow you, they’re made to accentuate your best features and bring light to your personality.

Keeping in mind the great importance our appearance can have, we realized how responsibly we need to design our products as they may accompany you in the most important moments of your life. When creating them, we have set ourselves a goal to not only stay true to you, but also to the world and to ourselves. 

Why alas-silk ?

Alas silk uses a fabric which is truly timeless, lending itself to a variety of uses – from a shirt to cozy nightwear and even formal attires. Dare to be yourself!
  We have selected the highest quality mulberry silk for our products, which has many properties. Mulberry silk is famous for its amazing softness, and has become the highest quality silk you can buy today. It is anti-allergenic, especially comfortable to wear, it helps regulate your body‘s temperature which means it keeps you cool on a hot day and preserves your body‘s heat in the cold, while looking incredibly fashionable. The quality and the comfort of this fabric is unmatched.
Silk has always been a symbol of luxury and elegance. The magic of this fabric awakens femininity, elegance and gives you confidence. Prioritize yourself and your femininity!

Alas-silk ?

Translated from Spanish, “Alas silk” means silky wings. The lightness, subtlety and flutter of the fabric reminded us of the wings, from which the name of our brand was born – out of love for silk and the magic of womanhood.
  A fashionable silk dress is a definite head-turner. Just like a woman, silk requires attention and careful care, but with your love and mindfulness it will retain its beauty for years.
  Are you curious to try this divine silk by yourself? Why not invest in your clothes? There is no need to book a trip to experience a luxurious lifestyle, choose our products and experience it anywhere at any time!
We believe that with our clothes you will feel not only comfortable, but fashionable, stylish and uplifted. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, radiate femininity and confidence.
. . . spread out your silky wings …

With Love “Alas Silk” team

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